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PTU Tutorial Supplies needed: Paint Shop Pro X or any version Spring_and_Easter by Alehandra Vanhek  here   (you must be licensed to use...

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Monday, March 13, 2023

PTU Tutorial

Shades Of Africa

What you’ll need:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Tube: Africa by Kiya Designs here

Mask: WSL mask 222 here

Scrap: In the Jungle by Doodle By Design here

Font: African here

 Notable warning: Before you begin, I want you to know I wrote this tutorial as I was creating it and I made many changes throughout the process, as in moving elements  around, I tried to record all the changes, but I can’t be certain I succeeded. So please, refer to the tag for placement. My apologies if this causes you any inconvenience and thanks for considering this tutorial.

 Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela A. Mabry on March 12, 2023, and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

I use h and v 2 opacity 30 blur 10

 Let’s move on!

Open tube, shift + d to copy, close original

Image, resize, change the width to 800, click  ok

Delete the info, close-up and background layers.

Close the tube layer.

New layer, select all

Paste paper 9 into selection, select none, apply mask, merge group.

Resize mask 110%

New layer, select all, paste paper 19 into selection, select none.

Apply the mask, merge group, merge group, resize 105%

New layer, select all, paste paper 13 into selection, select none.

Apply mask, merge group, merge down, merge down again.

Element 25

Element 49

Element 16 – 20%, duplicate and move to the right

Element 35 -30%

Element 11 – 40%

Element 78 – 20%

Element 77 – 20%

Element 81 – 20%

Element 13 – 70%

Element 5 – 20%

Element 73 – 20%

Element 22 – 20%

Element 31 – 20%

Element 47 – 20%

Element 44 – 30%

Element 8 – 20%

Element 9 – 20%

Element 12 – 20%

Element 6 – 15%

Element 115 – 20%

Element 2 – 20%

Element 15 – 15%

Element 117 – 30%, duplicate, move up, duplicate, move up, duplicate, move up.

Element 53 – 10%

Element 26 – 40%

Element1 – 20 %

Click on the eye to open your tube layer.

Check and see if you’re satisfied with your placing.

Close or delete background layer, merge visible, resize your tag.

 If you haven’t already done so, save your tag.

Add copyright info and your name.

When you’re sure, you’re done.

~A heartfelt thanks for viewing my tutorial~

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
FTU Tutorial
Irish Garden

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Tube: Magic Lantern by Fiodorova Maria here

Mask: WSL mask 221 here

Scrap: Miz_Irish Luck here

Font: Livingstone here

Template: 0012 by me: here


Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 8, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.  I used h and v 2 opacity 30 blur 10

Let’s begin!

 Open the template, delete the credit, frame border, body and glass lens layers

Highlight the background layer ,add a new layer

Select all, paste paper 8 into selection

Apply mask, merge group

Click the strips layer, select all, float, defloat

Choose the rectangle, select all, float, defloat

Paste paper 14 into selection, keep selected

Copy your close-up and paste as new layer, resize 70%, position. invert, delete

Change blend to multiply. select none, apply ds to tube and rectangle

 Merge tube layer down, apply ds again

Click on dodge back 1 and click with your magic wand, hold down your shift key

While holding shift key click dodge back 2 layer and click with magic wand

While holding shift key click dodge back 3 layer and click with magic wand

Now, all 3  should have marching ants around them

 Add new layer

Paper 9, paste into selection

Copy full tube, paste as new layer, resize 70%, position, invert, delete

Change blend mode to multiply, apply ds, select none

Merge down to cover all dodge backs, apply ds

element io, 70%, image, free rotate, right, 30, ok

element 7

element 24, 80%

element 22

element 3

element 69

element 68

element 1 - 80%

element 2 - 70%

element 20 - 60%,  duplicate and move slightly down to the right

element 10 - 60%

element 30 - 40%

element 91 - 20%

Add your tube, copyright info and name.

You're done!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
PTU Tutorial

Yellow's Glow!

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Tube: Summer by Kiya's Designs here

Mask: DBV 110 here

Scrap: Summer Yellow by TTD here

Font of choice 

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 7, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

Let’s begin!

Open tube, shift + d
Image, resize, height 700, click ok
Image, canvas size, change width to 700
Delete all layers you don't want
Highlight bottom layer 
Add new layer, select all, paste paper 3 into selection, select none
Apply DBV mask 110, merge group
Resize 110% Close tube and make sure you;re on the mask layer
Element 65 - 50%, duplicate, mirror
Element 83 - 40%, blend mode- luminance legacy. opacity 50
Element 42 - 60%
Element 23 - 40%
Element 40, change blend to luminance legacy
Element 9 - 20%
Element 11 - 60%, duplicate, mirror
Element 17 - 50%
Element 7 - 30%
Element 49 - 30%
Element 47 - 40%
Element 5 - 25%
Element 135, duplicate, mirror vertical
Element 89 - 60%
Element 94 - 40%
Element 19 - 30%
Element 25 - 30%
Open your tube, resize if you desire
add copyright info, add name.
You're done!

Heartfelt thanks to all that viewed this tutorial!

PTU Tutorial
Positively Photogenic!

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Tube: Cute Photographer by Very Many here

Mask: Becky mask 022 or your choice

Scrap: Extreme Photography by me here or here


Filter: Xero - Porcelaine 

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 7, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

Let’s begin!

Open your tube, copy the full body option

Edit, paste as a new image

Image, resize, height 700, click ok

Image, canvas size, change width to 700, click the center box, ok.

Resize tube by 70%

New raster layer, layers, arrange, send to bottom, fill  white

New raster layer, select all

Past paper 015 into selection

Apply mask, merge group

Resize 110%

Element 31

Change blend mode to screen, lower opacity to 50

Element 50 - 40%

Duplicate, merge down, move to top left corner

Duplicate, move down. duplicate, mirror

Element 032

Element 03, 80%, move toward top

Use magic wand to click in center film

Element 070 and paste into selection

Back to the film and click with the magic wand

Repeat this process for the 2 top right film, use element 068

On top left film use magic wand

Use element 043 and paste into selection

Move to the top left side

Move your tube to the right

Element  05 - 70%

Element 053 - 20%

Element 038 - 10%

Take the magic wand and select the screen

Element 069 - paste into selection

Element 010 - 20%

Element 09 - 25%

Element 08 - 20%

Element 011 - 15%

Element 021 - 10%

Element 054 - 15%

Element 27 - 20%

Add your copyright info and name.

You're done!

Thanks for viewing my tutorial!

Monday, March 6, 2023
PTU Tutorial
St. Patrick's Rainbow

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro X or any version

Tube: St. Patrick's Day 7 by Very Many here , yo need a license to use this tube

Mask: Mask: Viv-0046  or your choice

Scrap: St. Patrick's Day 7 by TTD here

Font: Irish Penny  here

Filter: DSB Flux - Bright Noise  here

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 6, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

Let’s begin!

Open paper 3, shift + D

Right click on the layer panel and promote background layer

New layer

Layers, arrange, send to bottom

Fill white

Apply mask, merge group, duplicate, mirror

Element 34

Element 92 - 70%

Element 90, duplicate, mirror

Element 80, duplicate. mirror

Element 27 20%

Element 45 - 15%

Element 2 - 15%

Element 14 - 20%

Element 3 - 20%

Element 21 - 20%

Element 18 - 30%

Element 23 - 20%, apply DSB flux bright noise,click mixed and slide to 50

Element 25 - 30%

Element 28 - 20%

Element 20 - 20%

Element 19 - 20%

Element 15 - 30%

Element 29 - 20%

Element 39 - 20%

Paste your tube and resize

Add copyright info and your name.

You're done!

Thanks for viewing !

Sunday, March 5, 2023
PTU Tutorial
Forest Home
Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro X or any version

Tube: Brave by Kiya Designs here, you must have a license to use this tube

Mask: mask 54 by Sophisticat Simone here

Scrap: PTU, Astarte by Hania's Designs here

Font: Blessed Personal here

 Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 5, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed. I used h & V 2 opacity 30 blur 10

Let’s begin!

Open your tube, shift + D to copy, close original, 

resize by changing the width t0 700

Close your tube layer.

Highlight background layer

add new layer

Select all and paste paper 9 into selection

Select none

Apply mask 54, merge group.

Element 36 - 80%

Element 9

Element 26 - 90%

Element 46 - 80%

Element 29

Element 69

Element 45 - 80%

Element 37 - 70%

Element 64 - 70%

Element 98

Element 65 - 70%

Element 31 - 60%

Element 48 40%

Element 62 - 60%

Element 50 - 60%

Element- 60%

Element 58 - 60%, duplicate, mirror

Element 44

Open your tube and see that it's positioned to your liking.

Add copyright info and place your name with the blessed font or the font of your choice.

You're done!

Thanks for viewing my tutorial!

Friday, March 3, 2023
PTU Tutorial

Celebrate Mardi Gras !

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Tube: Spirit d' Orleans by Kiya’s Designs, here  you must have a license to use this tube

Mask: DBV Mask 104 here

Scrap: Mardi Gras Magic by Doodle by Design here

Font: Irish Penny here

 Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 2, 2023, and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

Let’s begin !

Open a 700 x 700 image

Fill white

Open MGM paper 21 and paste

Apply mask, merge group

MGM 22, 80%

MGM 99, 60%

MGM 19, resize 60%

MGM 55, resize 60%

MGM 14, 80%

MGM 15, 60%

MGM 105, 60%

MGM 88, 60% 2 times

MGM 6, 60%

MGM 3, 40%

MGM 4, 40%

MGM 17, 40%, 60%

MGM 72, 60%

MGM 5 40%

MGM 29, 40%

MGM 50, 40%

Add your tube, resize

Add copyright info and your name or the name of whom you’re making the tag for.

You’re done !


Thanks for viewing my tutorial.

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