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PTU Tutorial Supplies needed: Paint Shop Pro X or any version Spring_and_Easter by Alehandra Vanhek  here   (you must be licensed to use...

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Monday, April 29, 2024
PTU Tutorial

What you’ll need:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Picnic tube by Stella Felice Art here you need a license to use this tube

HorsePlays Pasture Mask 27 here, thanks Beverly

 PTU Spring Fever kit by Uenique PSP here

Font of choice, I used Sweet Sensations

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela A. Mabry on March 29, 2024 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

I use h and v 2 opacity 30 blur 10 

Let’s move on!

Open paper 20, shift + d, close original, promote background layer

Apply mask, merge group
element 19 move to bottom, duplicate, flip vertical, move down until edges meet, merge down
Apply mask to grass layer, merge group,  duplicate 3 times and mergel down each grass layer
element 70 - 60%, duplicate, mirror
element 88 - 70%
element 156 - 30%, duplicate, move to the right covering any gaps, duplicate, repeat
element 07, move to bottom
element 134 - 40%
element 115 - 80%, duplicate, mirror
element 40 - 40%
element 49 - 30%, duplicate, mirror horizontal
element 158 - 30%. duplicate, mirror horizontal
element 73 - 30%
element 109 - 30%
element 70 - 40 %, duplicate, mirror
element 110 - 50%, duplicate, mirror
element 55 - 20%
element 56 - 60%
copy and paste the tube close-up - 60%, move left, blend mode - overlay
copy and paste your tube
add your info and copyright
You're done.

Thank you !

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

PTU Tutorial

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro X or any version

Spring_and_Easter by Alehandra Vanhek here 

(you must be licensed to use this tube)

Masks_62024_Ashley'sDesigns_5 here

Bunnies, Chicks and Eggs by me here or here

Faithe font here

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 20, 2024  and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember: to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

Let’s begin

Open paper 0013, shift+ d, close original, promote background layer

Apply mask, merge group

c/p frame 0021, resize 80%

click in center of frame with your magic wand, expand by 20

add a new layer under the frame layer

Copy paper 0015 and paste into selection, keep selected

Open tube, paste resize 40%, place as shown orto your liking

Duplicate tube, layers, arrange, send to top, close this layer

Go back to original tube layer, duplicate

Go back to original layer

Selection, invert, delete, select none

Adjust, blur, radial blur, set blur type to spin, strength to 75, all others to 0 and check elliptical, blend mode - luminance(L)

element 5, apply mask, merge group, move down, select all, crop to selection

Duplicate and move up slightly under the frame

el 56 - 70%

el 14

el 80 - 40%

el 97 - 40%

el 87 - 80%

el 84 - 30%

el 120 - 40%, free rate left at 35

el 119,- 40%, free rotate left at 35

el 65 - 40%

el 32 - 40%

Open your closed tube layer and position to your liking.

Add artists name, url and your license number. 

 Add name you want 

Delete background layer


You're done !

Thanks for viewing my tut !

Monday, March 18, 2024

PTU Tutorial

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro X or any version

Straw_ Hat tube by Fiodorova_Maria here

Edge Squares mask here

Cotton Tail here or here

Faithe font here

Tag Template #6 by Rose here


Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 18, 2024  and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember: to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

Let’s begin !

Open template, shift + d, close original

Delete the credit, copy of raster 8, raster 8 and raster 18 layers

Go to the background layer

Add a new raster layer, select all

C/p paper 04 into selection

Apply the mask, merge group, duplicate, merge down

Highlight the double circles

Select, float, defloat, paste paper 04 into selection

Click copy of raster 9 and merge down

Select, float, defloat

Copy paper 05 and paste into selection

Select the circle and fill with paper 07

Merge down copy of raster 6

Select all, float, defloat

Paste paper 012 into selection

Merge down copy of raster 7

Select all, float, defloat

Paste paper 09 into selection

Click raster 3, select, float, defloat

Paste paper 011 into selection

Raster 13, select, float, defloat

Paste paper 010 into selection

Select raster 12 same as above and paste paper 06 into selection

Select raster 4 and paste paper 011 into selection

Select raster 11 and paste paper o2

Raster 10 - paper 04

Raster 17 - paper 03

El 48 - 40%

El 32 - 40%

Raster 16 - paper 04

Raster 15 - paper 09

Raster 5 - paper 06

EL 4 - 50%, duplicate, mirror

 El 1 - 50%, duplicate, mirror 

El 29 - 40%, duplicate, mirror, erase the stems

El 45 - 70%

El 12 - 25%

El 19 - 50%

El 40 - 30%

El 77 - 30%

El 35 - 30%

El 15 - 40%

El 38 - 30%

El 63 - 30%

El 64 - 30%

Paste your close-up in the frames as shown

C/p your tube, resize to your liking

Add copyright info and nme.

You're done !

Thanks for viewing !

Saturday, March 16, 2024
FTU Tutorial
Bunny So Cute !

What you’ll need:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Girl-with-a-bunny tube by Laguna here

Miz mask 284 here

Cute As A Bunny by Melissaz Creationz here

Beautiful Dream font here

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela A. Mabry on March 16, 2024 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

I use h 4, v 2 opacity 30 blur 20


Let’s move on!

Open paper 03, shift + d, promote background layer

Close original paper

Apply mask, merge group

e 7, move to right

e 22, rs 80%

e 10

e 19

e 13, move down right, duplicate and move right and down

e 20 duplicate, move to side and down

e 16, place bottom right, duplicate, move right and slightly down

e 17,  place bottom right, duplicate, move right and slightly down

e 6, rs 70%, place bottom right, duplicate, mirror

paste e6, rs 70%, place bottom center, merge down, merge down

e 40, rs 80%, move right bottom

e 40, rs 70% arrange as shown

e 27

e 28, rs 70%

e 26

Open the tube

c/p the rainbow, paste on the mask layer, rs 60%

c/p the small rabbit, rs 20%

c/p the girl, rs to your liking

Apply your copyright and info

All done !

Thanks for viewing my tutorial !

Friday, March 15, 2024
PTU Tutorial

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Tube: Jasmine here

SophistcatSimone mask 60 or your choice

Bunnyland here or here

Geraldine font here

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 15, 2024  and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember: to apply your drop shadow as you proceed. I use h and v 2, opacity 30, blur 10.

Let’s begin

Open paper 021, shift + d, close original

Promote background layer

Apply your mask, merge group

c/p frame 013, rs 70%

Add a new layer and move below frame

Back to frame layer , with magic wand click inside frame

Expand by 15, keep selected

Highlight layer below frame

c/p paper 022 into selection, keep selected

c/p el 074, move to bottom, selections, invert, delete

c/p el 00113, rs 60%

c/p 0069, rs 30%

c/p el 0056, rs 20% move to bottom right, duplicate, mirror

c/p el 0089 move right, duplicate, mirror

c/p el 0096, rs 20%

c/p 0072, rs 40%

c/p 0069, rs 30%

c/p 0020, rs 40%, place on top of frame bottom

Duplicate, mirror

c/p 0048 on top of frame, rs 40%

Place on side bottom corner, duplicate, mirror

c/p el 0066, rs 30%

c/p 0068, rs 30%

at this point, you're done unless you want to add a tube

do so and resize and add your copyright info.

Thanks for viewing.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

PTU Tutorial

Feeling Lucky !

Supplies needed:

Paint Shop Pro X or any version

Tamara SV (1)(included in kit)

RD_mask 739 here

AWS_Luck To You here here here, coming soon here

Rockybilly font here

DD_Feeling Lucky Template (I could not find a link to this template)


Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela Mabry on March 14, 2024  and is solely from my own imagination, any resemblance to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written for those with a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember: to apply your drop shadow as you proceed. I used h and v 2, opacity 30, blur 10.

Let’s begin

Open template, shift + d

Image, canvas size 800 x 800, center

Delete credit, raster 14, right dark green square, right gold rectangle and stitches layers

Close all word art and clover layers

Highlight background layer, fill white

Apply a new layer, select all

Paste paper 21 into selection

Apply mask, merge group

Click on the left gold rectangle layer,

 right click, merge, merge down

Select all, float, defloat

C/p paper 12 into selection

Click the left light gold square, merge down

Select all, float, defloat

C/p paper 7 into selection

Select all, float, defloat the dark green slats

C/p paper 18 into selection

Select all, float, defloat the green oval

C/p paper 16 into selection, keep selected

C/p Tamara SV (4) as a new layer

Resize 60%, duplicate, highlight raster 1

Adjust, blur, motion blur

Click on copy of tube, change blend mode to hard light

Apply ds to tube

Select, float, defloat the dark green square

C/p paper 14 into selection

C/p Tamara SV 3 as new layer

Resize 50%, move into square 

Selections, invert, delete, select none

Duplicate tube, on original apply a radial blur 

Change opacity to 50
Go to tube copy and change blend to soft light
Apply drop shadow
Go to rectangle, select all, float, defloat
C/p Tamara SV tube 3, rs 50%
Line this up under the previous tube
Duplicate tube, apply above blur to original
Reduce opacity to 50
On tube copy apply soft light and drop shadow
C/p element 23 under the slats
C/p el 97, rs 80%, move to top left
Duplicate, flip, mirror
C/p el 30 above the slats, rs 70%, image, free rotate right at 15
El 33 - 60%
El 42 - 40%
El 40 - 30%
El 72 - 30%, move bottom right, duplicate, mirror
Duplicate, move slightly down, duplicate, mirror
El 11 - 40%
El 96 - 60%
El 14 - 60%
Merge down all word art layers and the clover
Resize 60%, move to top or where you desire
C/p Tamara SV 1, resize 60%
You're done.
Thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
FTU Tutorial

St. Patrick Delights

What you’ll need:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

Patric by Misticheskaya here

RD_Mask 737 here

St. Patrick Party here

Font: Slaine here


Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela A. Mabry on March 13, 2024 and is solely from my own imagination,in the event, any similarity to any other tutorial is found, it is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

I use h and v 2 opacity 30 blur 10

Let’s move on!

Open a 700 x 700 transparent  image

Fill with white and apply a new layer

Select all, paste paper 8 into selection

Apply mask, merge group

Resize mask 110%, duplicate, merge down

El 39, rs 40%

El 40, rs 40%, duplicate, mirror, place as shown

El 56, rs 40%

El 37, rs 40%

El 46, rs 60%

El 47, rs 50%, move center right

El 55, rs 60%, duplicate, rs 90%, move right and slightly down

El 53, rs 20%, duplicate, move right and down some

El 54, rs 15%, place to left of flower, duplicate, place as shown

El 51, rs 30%

El 5, rs 10%

El 6, rs 15%

El 4, rs 10%

El 9, rs 30%

El 65, rs 10%

El 29, rs 10%

El 59, rs 20%

El 58, rs 15%

El 92, rs 5%

Copy and paste your tube, resize

Apply your drop shadow

You're done.

Thanks for viewing my tutorial.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

FTU Tutorial

What you’ll need:

Paint Shop Pro 2023 or any version

watermelongirlstripes_1 by Sherri Baldy here

WSL_mask522 here

Stars and Stripes by Mizteeque  here

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela A. Mabry on June 23, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

I use h and v 2 opacity 30 blur 10


Let’s move on!

Open a 700 x 700 image, fill white

New layer, select all

Open paper 9 and paste into selection

Select none, apply mask, merge group

El 68. duplicate, mirror vertical

El 57 resize 80%, image, free rotate, right at 10

Click inside frame with magic wand

Expand by 10, keep selected

Highlight your mask layer, now add a new layer

Paste paper 8 into selection

Copy tube and paste, resize and place to your liking, invert, delete

Adjust, blur, radial blur, set on spin, strength set to 53, elliptical unchecked

and all other set on 0

Now paste your tube again on top of the frame, place to your liking

Add drop shadow to original

El 48,  30%. free rotate to right at 90

Duplicate, mirror

El 40, 60%, duplicate, mirror

El 39, 60%, duplicate, mirror

El 62, 20%

El 75, 60%

El 79, 70%

El 46, 40%

El 16, 60%

El 18, 40%

El 51, 40%

El 49, 30%

Add youe artist name and copyright info.

You're done !

FTU Tutorial

Autumn Fairy

What you’ll need:

Paint Shop Pro X8 or any version

Tube: Autumn Enchanted by The Paper Shelter here

Mask: I used tk-6 or your choice, andused WSL-384

Scrap: Abundant Blessings by Designs by Shelly here

Font: your choice

Disclaimer: This tutorial is written by Pamela A. Mabry on September 6, 2023 and is solely from my own imagination, any similarity to any other/s is pure coincidence. This tutorial is written with the assumption you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.

Remember to apply your drop shadow as you proceed.

I use h and v 2 opacity 30 blur 10

Let’s move on!

Open paper 19, shift + d to copy, close original

Promote the background layer

Add a new layer and move yo the bottom and fill with white

Go back to paper layer and apply mask, merge group

Paste element 110

Element 42

Element 64

Element 50

Element 12

Element 6

Element 7

Element 4

Element  41

Element 36

Highlight the embellishment layer

Element 38 place to bottom left

Element 98 place behind the owl, duplicate move to opposite side

Element 99

Element 100

Element 101

You're done !

Thanks for viewing my tutorial !

MMD Lifetime CU4CU Licence

MMD Lifetime CU4CU Licence
MMD Lifetime CU4CU Licence

MMD Unlimited CU Licence

MMD Unlimited CU Licence
MMD Unlimited CU Licence

Miggin's Extended CU4CU License

Miggin's Extended CU4CU License

Denise Creationz Unlimited Use License

Denise Creationz Unlimited Use License

Denise Creationz CU4CU License

Denise Creationz CU4CU License

KPD Unlimited Use CU4CU License

KPD Unlimited Use CU4CU License

Scraps Dimensions CU4CU Lifetime License

Scraps Dimensions CU4CU Lifetime  License

LMB CU4CU License

LMB CU4CU License

JDD Unlimited Personal Use License

JDD Unlimited Personal Use License

JDD CU4CU License

JDD CU4CU License

Freek's Creations CU4CU License

Freek's Creations Unlimited Use License

Angelaz Creationz CU4CU License

Bubble's Dreams CU Lifetime License